Dry at least but cold and windy. Well wrapped and sucking any wheel if available. Thanks to Paul Fairchild for timing. POS First Name Last Name Run 1 Bike Run 2 Total 0.1 Nicole Beck 00:11:19 – – 00:11:19 0.2 Aaron Crawford 00:09:47…
Lotus Duathlon Dec 2023
We always knew there was a band of rain coming in and sure enough it hit home once out on the bike. Mark and James trying to do the timing while cowering under the gazebo so I’m afraid some times got missed! POS Last Name First Name Total …
Return to Lotus Duathlons
We missed out last year as the Lotus site was undergoing a revamp for it’s commercial ventures. But James Millson worked his magic and we are back on for sessions for early Sundays in the month until March. All sessions are available for sign…