Diss (Not Diss – Bungay) [Not There Either] Duathlon – By Proxy
Tony Wenlock

Diss (Not Diss – Bungay) [Not There Either] Duathlon – By Proxy

Event : Virtual Diss Duathlon

I had one of those reminders on Facebook this morning –

5 years ago – 28th March 2015 – “Newtown tri tomorrow. Kit all packed. 41 mph winds forecast. Might be going backwards on the bike”

5 years on. The Diss(Not Diss – Bungay) Duathlon was one of my A races, The  the weather looked like it was going to be the same – so why not! Just a few conditions

  1. Keeping HR and breathing easy so to avoid taxing respiratory tract.
  2. Avoid everyone.
  3. Wear a rainjacket
  4. Turbo
  5. Just avoid EVERYONE

Run 1 –Steady paced 5k out to Hautbois and along the Bure Valley rail track, swinging back through Coltishall and then into T1. The rain kicked in just after the start and quickly turned to sleet that with the force of the wind stung deep into my face. The tree cover on the rail pathway gave good respite but I was wet through. Absolutely, nobody else about.

T1 – Into the garage, struck up the Bluetooth speaker – Billie Eilish what a voice! Pressed go on the turbo, little bit of slope and away.

Turbo – Did this as 3 virtual 6 mile laps. 5 miles at 80-90%FTP and 1 @100%.  Cold start, but warmed up by end of first lap. Through the garage window I could see the wind and rain thrashing down, and then the clatter of hail on the roof, I was glad of the shelter.

T2 – Changed shoes, put on my (still wet!!) rain jacket and away.

Run 2 – Felt really good as I started the run, legs moving easily and working at a good cadence. Just the wind to contend with now. Breathing & HR OK.  I rounded the bend towards Hautbois and had to cross the road to avoid people. A couple more groups of people on the rail path with us all taking strides to avoid each other.  Had to ease down in the last mile as calf muscles feeling a little bit crampy, then a stoppage as I waited for people to cross  over a footbridge before pressing on to the end. Despite that 2nd run quicker that the first.

All over. I awarded myself a virtual medal. No age group awards – not enough entries. No goody bag – but there was a good lunch laid on.

Newtown 5 years ago – I didn't even know what an A race was back then, this race just had all  had all the key criteria that mattered to me  – It was a traithlon and only 40 miles away. My training log notes for the day said “Extremely heavy winds and rain made the bike difficult and scary on outward leg but quick on the return. Lots of buffeting on the run as well. Tended to take it easy so as not damage calf but there are no problems. Pleased with time”.  Feels similar somehow.

 I remember hearing that the person that won had been clocked on their bike at 51mph. I was 2nd in age group behind Hannah Rees’s vicar’s husband.



Published on 30th March 2020

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